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We honor loved ones who are no longer with us by sharing these scholarships with our community. Awardees will receive a minimum award of $250 per scholarship for the purpose of tuition or educational-related expenses.


Criteria: Students attending their senior year in private or

public high schools or an alternative academic school who

plan to attend a trade or vocational school after graduation or

will be enrolled in a 2 or 4-year college.


Emerito Figueroa Memorial Scholarship 

Criteria: This scholarship is to be awarded to a student actively pursuing a vocation, trade, certificate program, Associate's or Bachelor's degree. 


Felix Raimundi Resto Memorial Scholarship

Criteria: Senior Latino(a) student from Franklin High School in Somerset, New Jersey, or New Brunswick High School in New Brunswick, NJ that has been accepted to a 2-year or 4-year college in the state of New Jersey. 


Melissa Hernandez Nazario Memorial Scholarship 

Criteria: Female high school seniors pursuing higher education at Seton Hall University or Rutgers University.  Preference will be given to first-generation Dominican or Puerto Rican students.


Maria Virginia Arcelay Valentin Memorial Scholarship

Criteria: Applicant must be enrolled in Proyecto Nacer, Inc. in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, and be a teenage parent. The student must have an academic average of 2.50 or more, demonstrate financial need, and intend to study at a university. The applicant must also demonstrate that she is the primary parent responsible for the child's care. Applicants will need to complete a one-page essay that briefly provides answers to the following questions: What has Proyecto Nacer meant to you and your family? How can this scholarship contribute to your future? How will your university career contribute to society?

All high school students meeting criteria are encouraged to apply.





APPLICATIONS OPEN on a rolling basis

Go ahead!
Father and Son Baking


Emerito Figueroa was born on January 23, 1933 in Maunabo, Puerto Rico.  He died at the young age of 56 from kidney failure.  He was a beloved husband, father, brother, and uncle. He was known as a kind man who often helped others.  In his memory, this scholarship fund is available to students pursuing education. 

US Army Soldier in Universal Camouflage


Felix Raimundi- Resto, was born in Vega Baja, P.R. and died at the age of 54. Felix was a Vietnam War Vet.  After coming from the war, he moved to San Sebastian, P.R. and graduated from the University of Puerto Rico with a degree in Education.  He worked for many years as an elementary school teacher.  In his spare time, he coached a boxing team for children in his community. He loved auto mechanics and was passionate about his horses.  After moving back to New Brunswick, NJ, he pursued a Master's Degree in Public Administration at the University of Rutgers in Newark, NJ and obtained his certification as a social worker.  He worked as a supervisor with the Department of Veteran Affairs in Trenton and Newark, NJ during the latter part of his professional career.  Felix worked with homeless and incarcerated veterans.  

Happy Family


Melissa Hernandez Nazario was born on March 6th, 1974 and died from a rare condition called corticobasal degeneration (CBD) at the age of 37 on July 4th, 2011. She was born in Perth Amboy, NJ.  She was a graduate of Bishop George Ahr High School and received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Rutgers University and her Masters in Public Administration from Seton Hall. Melissa worked for the Rape Care Program in the Office on the Prevention of Violence Against Women with the State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Prior to working with the state, she worked at the Population Resource Center in Princeton, NJ.  She was also on the board of Planned Parenthood for Middlesex County.  While at Rutgers she was actively involved with the Rutgers Union Estudiantil Puertorriqueña (RUEP), the Latin American Women's Organization (LAWO), the Center for Latino Arts and Culture (CLAC) and several other organizations.  Melissa was an activist and an advocate for immigrant and women's rights.  She played the piano, loved to travel, was a baseball fan, enjoyed dancing and loved her Puerto Rican and Dominican cultural heritage.

Preparing Jams


 Maria Virginia "Miña" Arcelay Valentin lived to the age of 101.  She was born in San Sebastian, Puerto Rico and came to Buffalo, NY in 1956.  She later moved to New Brunswick in 1965 before returning to Puerto Rico in 1978. Upon her husband's death in 2001, Miña came back to New Brunswick in 2003 to live with her daughter.  She raised her two children Blanca and Jorge William along with working as a seamstress. Miña's passions were crocheting, embroidery, cooking and working in her flower garden.  Miña was one of seven children and was the matriarch of the family. She only completed 8th-grade education and was passionate about Puerto Rican culture, heritage, and history.   When family members wanted to come to the United States, she would make sure of their safe passage.

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